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Iris Dulcie grew up in a small town known as Teekski. Her and her sister were abandoned very young, neither ever really knowing why. They grew up in an orphanage where they were forced to mainly sustain themselves, even having their own garden. Iris soon found her love of gardening through this and spent most of her free time working on her garden. One day, a family came into, Iris thought, to adopt both her and her sister. However, they only adopted her sister. They wrote to eachother everyday, but one day, the letters stopped coming. Iris took this very hard, feeling as if her sister forgot about her, she closed herself off into school or her plants. Iris somewhere along the line promised to herself that she would always take care of kids who grew up just like her and decided to become a teacher. Determined, she graduated in the top area of her class became an English teacher and teaches gardening part time. After a year of teaching and learning to show all of her teachers and students love, she really blossomed. She is like a mother to her students and has a very good reputation being such a young teacher.

Drawn by: Tealeafe

Iris Dulcie

Drawn by: Senpai

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